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Listed below are some useful links to UK trout fisheries.

​​NOTE. These fishery details were taken from the Internet in 2013. Please check with the fishery that it is still functioning before you travel.

This section is being added to as time allows. (All open in a separate window)

OR see fisheries on a Google Map 

Major Reservoirs / Lakes /Lochs / Loughs UK and Ireland.


Small Waters


Albury Estate, Guildford, Surrey
Aldin Grange, Durham
Amherst Lodge, Lyme Regis, Dorset.
Avington, Winchester, Hants.
Avon Springs, Salisbury, Wiltshire
Bake Fishing Lakes, Cornwall
Bankhouse, Clitheroe, Lancs.
Barn Elms, Reading, Berks.
Bellbrook, Bampton, Somerset.
Bessy Beck, Kirkby Stephen, Cumbria.
Bigland, Cumbria - no link
Blackdyke, Feltwell, Norfolk.
Blackwool Farm, Sussex.
Blakewell, Barnstable, Devon.
Bransford, Worcs
Brick Farm, East Sussex.
Burrator, Yelverton, Devon.
Chalk Springs, Arundel, Hants.
Chatton, Belford, Northumberland.
Cheshire Fisheries, Chester, Ches.
Chiphall, Wickham, Hants.
Church Paddock, Winchester, Hants.
Cleveley Mere, Lancashire.
Colwich Park, Notts

Danebridge, Staffs.

Duncton Mill, West Sussex.
Earith Lakes, Huntigdon, Cambs.
Elinor, Oundle, Northants.

Ellerdine, Shawbury, Shrops.
Exe Valley - no link

Felix Farm, Berks.

Fisherwick, Lichfield, Staffs

Frensham, Farnham, Surrey

Fylde, Lancs.

Haywards Farm, Theale.
Higham Lakes, Northumberland.
Hollies, Honiton, Devon.
Hury Reservoir, Northumberland.
Innis, Cornwall.
Jubilee Lakes, Co Durham
Kilnsey Park, Skipton, N Yorks.
Langley Dam, Hexham, Northumberland.
Lechlade, Gloucestershire.
Leighton, Yorks.

Lenches, Stratford Upon Avon, Warks.
Lockwood Beck, North Yorks.
Loynton, Newport, Staffs.
Manningford, Pewsey.
Marston Wyse, Long Marston, Yorks.

Marton Heath, Macclesfield.

Meon Springs, East Meon, Hants.
Moorhen Fishery, Warnford, Hants.
Norton, Stapleford Tawny, Essex.
Onny Vale, Minsterley, Shrops.
Packington, Meriden, Warks.

Parkside, Staffs
Patshull, Burnhill Green, Staffs
Press Manor, Nr Matlock, Derbs.
Raygill, Skipton, North Yorks.
Rib Valley, Ware, Herts
Ringstead Grange, Kettering, Northants.
Rose Park, Launceston, Devon.
Roxhome, North Notts.
Scaling Dam, Northumberland.
Sharply Springs, Nr Sunderland.
Siblyback, Liskeard, Cormwall.
Simpson Valley, Devon.
Springhill, Tonbridge, Kent.
Star Carr
Syon Park, Northumberland.
Tavistock, Dartmoor.
Temple, Bodmin.
Thornwood Springs, Epping, Essex.
Wansford, Driffield, East Yorks.
Washburn Valley, Yorks.
West House, Bishopton, Co Durham.
Westlow Mere, Congleton, Ches.
Witton Castle, Co Durham.
Woodington, Romsey, Hants.
Woolaston Court, Gloucestershire.

Small Waters


Small Waters


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